Saturday, August 4, 2012

And away we go...

A good friend of mine recently set out on an exciting, new adventure in life. An adventure that will allow him to pursue his true passion: photography.

And, while I wish him the best in his new venture, I'd be telling a lie if I didn't admit that I was going to miss him — both his friendship and his amazing talent behind the lens.

But, instead of wallowing in my self pity about this professional loss, I've decided to turn it into a personal challenge. I have no aspirations of reaching the level of Don J., but I do hope to improve my own photographic skills.

Thus this blog was born.

Blog, though, is probably not the proper term for it. As the title reads, this is more a conversation. A conversation about light and all the other principles of photography. My goal is to take and post photos on a regular basis. Feel free to comment. Feel free to criticize. More than anything else, feel free to offer advice.

After all, the goal here is to get better.

With that said (or should I say typed), away we go...

One of the biggest challenges I face is understanding the proper use of light (thus the name of the blog). Tonight, while I had a few spare moments, I cornered (literally...I used a corner in my bedroom) a couple of my kids for test model duty.

This shot of my youngest daughter was shot at ISO 250, 1/200 and f4.0.

Same with this one. As you can tell from The Boy's head, I'm bounce flashing.

This is probably my favorite shot from the series because it's candid. Also, it shows my schnauzer, Gus, who turned 13 in July. I love the way he interacts with our children although his health is beginning to worry me. We old folks need to stick together. Like the other two shots, this one was at f4.0 and ISO 250, but I went to 1/250.

In addition to my budding love of photography, I have a deep-rooted passion for music. Maybe some day I'll learn to play an instrument, but for now I just plan to end each post with a video of a song I like. Today's is kind of a throwback song done by an up-and-coming artist. I love its energy.

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